
A day off

I should have taken today off.

A little while ago we took a 20% pay cut but were required to work our standard 5 day week. Kind of like a kick to the groin and, when hunched over in pain, a swift knee to the face.

If you are easily offended stop reading.

Fuck you, recession or depression or whatever the fuck they call you today. Just fuck off. Today was my donut day, 8 fuckin' dollars for a box of 'just stick them on my gut' round piles of nutritionless shit. (fuck you spell check too, in my world nutritionless is a word)

Hey, I lost 14 pounds so far! Probably 2 more after getting all those "fuck you's" off my chest.

I think I might just go home.


  1. Remember the mantra "Fuck You, You Fucking Fuckers." Repeat as necessary.

  2. Sometimes you just Gotta Let it Out...

  3. Anonymous4/17/2009

    "I think I might just go home."

    Fuck yeah.

    An Tee
