
Holy hand grenade turntable

We celebrated birthdays on Sunday and while it was not my birthday, I was gifted nonetheless. Here I am holding the Holy Infant of Prague statue with an aged (artificially) scroll containing script from the Book of Armaments.


I bought this cool rotating display, it's 8" in diameter and travels at 4 to 7 RPM's. It holds up to 4 pounds and takes one "D" size battery. It should be here Tuesday. The idea is to build a shelf and mount it to the wall which will hold the turntable which will hold the statue. The "ancient" parchment will be sealed in a frame and mounted above the rotating baby Jesus. Just imagine the Prague infant there instead of the neat racer.
I have been sick with cold or flu or who knows since Saturday, so I am relatively convinced that my punishment for such blasphemy will be meted out here on earth instead of in the afterlife. Phew.

My apologies to all for leaving the party so hastily.


  1. Wow. That is the best thing I have heard in a long time. Happy happy smiles and whatnot.

  2. No seriously, It makes my day everytime I look at this! I just showed Joe and made both of our days.
